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Author Archives: Anna Tyurnina

  1. The value of annular pressure monitoring

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    What tools are available?

    There are reliable and proven downhole tools that are able to monitor annular and drill pipe pressure in real-time. Pressure tools are typically deployed as an addition to the wireline steering system, for use during the pilot hole drilling, but they can also be used as standalone tools for reaming applications.  The data from the pressure tool can then be fed to an EDR (Electronic Data Recorder) system to record and share pressure data and other drilling parameters with project stakeholders in real time.

    Tooling only part of the equation

    Leveraging pressure tools and EDRs to monitor pressure levels is only part of the solution to manage IR risk. HDD engineers and project owners need to perform a geotechnical analysis and integrate those results into a hydrofracture analysis to properly assess IR risk.  These results then need to be incorporated into bore design and project/contractor drilling requirements. 

    So why run pressure tools?

    Monitoring pressure levels can be helpful to mitigate IR risk as a standalone measure. Monitoring annular pressure allows drillers, engineering firms and inspectors to recognize potentially dangerous trends and take precautionary actions such as cleaning the hole or adjusting the fluid program before an undesirable event occurs. It provides a record of pressure levels and other drilling parameters which can be used to demonstrate compliance with project specifications and better understand drilling operations. In addition, the cost of delivering this solution is low in absolute terms, and practically irrelevant in the context of an IR. INROCK has a significant experience running pressure tools, having operated them on thousands of jobs worldwide as a part of our guidance service offering. In addition, INROCK has trained customers to run pressure tools themselves.  Call INROCK today to learn more about these solutions!

  2. Magnetic or gyro guidance – when to use them?

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    Magnetic Tools

    Guidance tools using magnetic sensors are widely used in the HDD industry today and have been for many years.  These tools use magnetometers and gravity sensors to determine location. Magnetic tools are highly accurate to a relatively low cost, and the technology is applicable to a wide range of project types.  In general, magnetic tools are the best fit when the potential for signal disruption through magnetic interference is low.    

    Gyro Tools

    Gyro tools, compared to magnetic tools, are relatively new to the HDD industry. These tools use gyroscopes to determine location. Gyro tools are especially effective when magnetic interference exists, for example in dense urban environments or when placing a magnetic coil is not possible. However, these tools are generally more expensive than magnetic tools and as a result, project budgets must be considered.   

    Use both

    The most accurate solution is to use both tools. Each sensor type has its inherent strengths and weaknesses which is why the best overall solution is two use both technologies. This provides multiple, independent sources of location, providing the best of both worlds. INROCK’s ParaTrack system is designed to deploy either technology separately or together to achieve strong project outcomes.

    To learn more, please contact your sales representative at INROCK.     

  3. Inrock Launches The New XTH Air Hammer: You can count on it

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    The new XTH Air Hammer helps INROCK customers increase their productivity through faster, more effective drilling. It is designed to give drillers everything they need to get the job done thanks to less production time, higher speed, lower repair costs and less production failures. It is simply an air hammer that HDD drillers can count on.

    “With the new XTH Air Hammer, we truly show why INROCK is the first choice of partner for any HDD driller. Thanks to its design, that has been developed together with Sandvik, we can help our customers not only make their everyday drilling easier and more reliable, but also help them increase their profitability”, says David Case, President of INROCK.

    The all-new design of the XTH Air Hammer features a new spiral piston, which reduces the risk for stress points and potential cracking. And thanks to an all-new guide sleeve, there is no longer the need for a foot valve. With this great design change, compared to competitor hammers, costly downtimes caused by foot valve failures are no longer an issue.

    The new XTH Air Hammer is available immediately in sizes of 3.5”, 4” and 5”.

  4. Sandvik Brazil – INROCK & HDD

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    INROCK is pleased to announce that it is expanding its geographic presence in conjunction with Sandvik’s Mining & Rock Technology’s Brazil sales team. 

    Since Sandvik’s acquisition of INROCK in 2018, we have been analyzing markets where the opportunity exists to better support our customers by having a local presence.  We have been training selected Sandvik Technical Sales and Service Representatives (TSSRs) on the HDD market and INROCK’s products and services over the past several months.  Going forward, we will be servicing the Brazilian market through this talented group of sales and service professionals.       

    We are excited to deliver our products and services through Sandvik’s team in Brazil.  We believe that this change will allow us to remain closer to our customers and be more responsive to the local needs of this important HDD market.

    For customer inquiries, please contact:

    Adler Pigozzo

    Rock Tools Business Line Manager

    Hugo Almeida

    Rock Tools Supervisor

    Mobile: +55 11 9 8354 7015

    Marcelo Rese

    Rock Tools Supervisor

    David Case, President, INROCK

    Área de Vendas Brasil – INROCK & HDD

    INROCK comercializará produtos e serviços de perfuração direcional (HDD) por meio da Sandvik no Brasil.

    A INROCK tem o prazer de anunciar que está expandindo sua presença geográfica em conjunto com a Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology no Brasil.

    Desde a aquisição da INROCK pela Sandvik, em 2018, temos analisado os mercados onde existe a oportunidade de oferecer melhor suporte aos nossos clientes com uma presença local. Nos últimos meses, treinamos representantes técnicos de Vendas e Serviços (TSSRs) selecionados da Sandvik no mercado de HDD e em produtos e serviços da INROCK. Daqui em diante, atenderemos o mercado brasileiro por meio deste talentoso grupo de profissionais.       

    Estamos entusiasmados em entregar nossos produtos e serviços por meio da equipe da Sandvik no Brasil. Acreditamos que esta mudança nos permitirá permanecer mais próximos dos clientes e sermos mais rápidos nas respostas às necessidades locais deste importante mercado de HDD.

    Para informações, entre em contato com:

    Adler Pigozzo

    Rock Tools Business Line Manager

    Hugo Almeida

    Rock Tools Supervisor

    Mobile: +55 11 9 8354 7015

    Marcelo Rese

    Rock Tools Supervisor

    David Case, Presidente, Unidade de Negócios INROCK

  5. Sandvik Mexico – INROCK & HDD

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    Sandvik Mexico – INROCK & HDD

    Since Sandvik’s acquisition of INROCK in 2018, we have been analyzing markets where the opportunity exists to better support our customers by having a local presence.  We have been training selected Sandvik Technical Sales and Service Representatives (TSSRs) on the HDD market and INROCK’s products and services over the past several months.  Going forward, we will be servicing the Mexico market through this talented group of sales and service professionals.       

    We are excited to deliver our products and services through Sandvik’s team in Mexico.  We believe that this change will allow us to remain closer to our customers and be more responsive to the local needs of this important HDD market.

    For customer inquiries, please contact:

    Jair Gonzalez

    Rock Tools Supervisor

    +52 3336010362

    Enrique Martinez

    Rock Tools Supervisor

    +52 33 36 01 03 62

    David Case, President, INROCK

  6. Sales Area Andean & South Cone – INROCK & HDD

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    INROCK is pleased to announce that it is expanding its geographic presence in Colombia in conjunction with Sandvik Sales Area Andean & South Cone. We have been training selected Sandvik Technical Sales and Service Representatives (TSSRs) on the HDD market and INROCK’s products and services over the past several months. Going forward, we will be servicing the Colombian market through this talented group of sales and service professionals.

    We are excited to deliver our products and services through this local Sandvik team. We believe that this change will allow us to remain closer to our customers and be more responsive to the local needs of this important HDD market.

    For customer inquiries, please contact:

    Javier Enrique Pinto C.
    Chief Rock Tools Colombia
    Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology
    Sandvik Colombia S.A. Carrera 14 No. 98-51 Piso 4, Bogota, Colombia
    Tel: +571 7455858


    David Case, President, INROCK

  7. Inrock Exhibited at ConExpo 2020

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    The exhibition included several key product displays from our different product lines, such as Pilot Hole and Reaming. In addition, there was a big focus on our digital offerings; such as Crossview and Paratrack 2.

    The Inrock booth was well visited by customers and visitors, despite the surrounding circumstances of both Corona virus and bad weather from time to time.

    CEO of Inrock, David Case, was also on-site,  talking with our visitors to represent our products and brand.

    Thank you to all who have visited our booths during the 2020 edition of ConExpo, it is always a great pleasure to meet with you to present ourselves face to face.

  8. INROCK Continues Support for Trenchless Technology Research

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    As one of the leading suppliers to the trenchless construction industry INROCK has focused on expanding the use of trenchless construction methods and developing new technology for over 25 years.  Trenchless construction provides many critical benefits to the broader infrastructure construction industry including making infrastructure projects safer and more secure, making projects more environmentally safe and enabling the construction of projects that were previously not possible. 

    “We are pleased to support Dr. Alireza Bayat and his talented team at the University of Alberta as they develop new and innovative research to help us improve the trenchless construction industry.”  David Case, CEO INROCK.

    The objective of this collaboration is not only to advance the understanding of important issues but also to train and educate other industry participants ranging from engineers, infrastructure asset owners, government officials and trenchless company managers.  Educating people in various capacities concerning the existence of trenchless construction, its advantages and applications will help expand its use and increase its effectiveness.  It will also grow the next generation of industry leaders forming a strong foundation for the future of this expanding industry. 

  9. INROCK at CONEXPO 2020

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    Representatives from INROCK will be present to discuss our entire offering.  Stop by to learn about our new Gyro Guidance Tool, HDD bits and our patented XTR-W Reaming platform.  Will be located within the Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology area located in Silver lots 1 & 2 – S52549. 

  10. INROCK will be exhibiting at UCT

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    Representatives from INROCK will be present to discuss our entire offering as well as some of our new products including Gyro Guidance Tool, a new HDD bit and new large rig reaming segments.  We will be located in booth 406.